Find the solution
With a focus on environmental, social and governance, ESG Lab aims to solve some of the biggest challenges faced by the world today.
We find big ideas
We attract some of the world’s most ambitious entrepreneurs by looking for big-picture ideas with the power to change the world for the better.
We host a pitch
We handpick the best solutions for each ESG challenge and run a competitive pitch for the chance to take part in the Lab.
We explore your potential
We draw on BAT’s scale and global presence to explore how your solution could change the lives of communities and consumers.
Join forces
We partner quickly but we’re in it for the long-term. Here’s how ESG Lab helps you bring your ideas into reality.
We prove it
We run a pilot or proof-of-concept (PoC) in a test environment. If successful we’ll then match you with local specialists and sector experts to maximise impact from the test.
We consider for investment
If we successfully prove the potential of your concept, we’ll help you build an investment case to take it to the next level.
We offer ongoing support
Enjoy long-term experience and expertise beyond launch. Committed to your case, we care about your journey, from beginning to end.
Become a changemaker
Are you inspired by the power of change and the chance to propel your concept? Start a conversation today.
Success stories
From case studies to portfolio news, read the latest success stories from BTV Labs.